Monday, April 23, 2007

Nite out....

Went for a nite out with my frens.... and this particular guy got really drunk.....
N the thing is when he gets drunk.... he becomes violent n drinks even more.....worse, he starts taking his drink 'neat' instead of diluting it with a mixer.....n asking pple to drink too...
Afterwhich, he falls asleep across someone's lap while holding onto my hand... n *yikes* i could feel his teeth lightly biting me a little....*hmm.... do i taste like a chicken wing???* Anyway.. luckily he fell asleep after that.....n he stayed that way till the pub closes..Then lo n behold, we gotta wake him if not, we will need to drag him out of the pub.... But once he wakes up, there he goes again.... hiaz..... as the saying, should let sleeping dogs lie.... hehe.....

Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Hair Cut

I have cut my h...a...i...r...

Now that my hair is short, I MISS my hair.... sob sob....

But since it's free as I volunteer for hair modelling, I have got no complaints... =p

From this...........................................To This...................

On the Prowl...

Well, it's has been a long time since my last blog....

Reason is because I have limited net access as I am officially UNEPLOYED.... haha...

Currently on the prowl, looking for a new job ^_^ Wish me luck in getting what i want hehe