Sunday, July 15, 2007

Job.... No more!!!!

He says that I m being a funny bitch.... I was like huh??? WTF!

Then he said that I did not clear the tables fast enough... WTFH!!!

Then he called the marketing person in charge and said that he wants me FIRED! FINE BY ME!!! So now i get to sleep at home =) Wee!!!!! I m so happy.....

Sori Pam... guess I didn't last long enough to help u out =(

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

New Job...

I found a job and have been there 2 months. Working as a restaurant supervisor @ The Simple Life (TSL) in Wheelock place and this restaurant is co-located with Fish & Co (Wheelock). LIke a sister company =)
This is the first time I am working in a F&B line... however, it's not the first time that I am working in a service sector so no biggie for me =)

Working environment is not bad although it is shift work. I dun mind the shift work though cos it means that I have time to run personal errands before going to work when I am working afternoon shift. Colleagues there are super fun ^_^ Pple at Fish & Co are wacky haha..... Not sure if hw long I will be working there though...

Before I got this job, I have also applied for the position of Prison Officer. However, as it was a mass recruitment exercise, it took quite a while to get back to me with regards to my application. I was asked to take a for psychometric test 2 weeks after I got the job at TSL. Apparently I passed the test. However, I suck big time at my interview 3 weeks later........ didn't know what to answer during role play.... =(

2 weeks later....

I gotta an email informing me to go for a Physical Fitness test (PFT). If I pass this test I get to go for a job preview (Basically to let u see the working environment)..... Thank goodness I pass although I seriously hated the running part (1.2km to be finished in 8 mins 40 sec).... My legs weren't mine anymore after tt bloody tiring run (by the way, I hate running!). Whatsmore, we need to climb 4 storeys to get back to the room where we first gathered..... Utterly tiring..... Job preview was a big eye-opener for me..... Guess this job will be a big challenge and a big change for me if I do get it ^_^ Wish me luck guys... Right now, all I am waiting for is to do my medical examination and wait.... to see if they will shortlist me......