Sunday, September 30, 2007

On Training

It has been quite some time since I last updated my blog. Well, cos I was a little busy with my training at the Prison Staff Training School. Yup, I have been accepted to be a Prison Officer. Currently going throught the residental phase of my training which is 22 weeks long. I gotta stay in school from Mon to Fri and only get to book out on Friday eveing like a NS recruit.... haha....

Training has been quite interesting althought there is physical training everyday where there's lots of running involved (I dun like running....). Get to attend 5-days OBS (Outward Bound Singapore) course as part of the training and that was good although I goota to lay off some activities as I have injured my knee again *hiaz* Still remember the last time I attended the OBS during secondary school. It was really fun. I am glad that at least I get to go and join in some activities . Will try to update more stuff with pictures soon ^_^. Till then, tata..... and take care ^_^