Sunday, January 6, 2008


I did something that I have not done in a long long time...... The last time I did this was my during my study week before the exams in poly which was like 7 years ago..... that is STUDYING in a LIBRARY........ makes me feel like a student all over again

Yup.... I am studying for my exams coming up next week. This marks the almost ending of my Basic Officer Course (BOC) in training school..... After abt 5 mths, gotta cram whatever I have learned in 3 papers that are 3 hrs long each..... I m so dead.... Hiaz!!!!!

Got so bored studying tt i started playing with my hp camera.... somemore it was raining so heavily that makes me wanna just go home and snuggled in my blanket n zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! Hope stuff that i read remains in my head until exams are over!