Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just another day...

Went window shopping with Har Har yesterday as she wanted to get an engagement pressie for her gal fren.

1st stop was Ion Orchard... nothing much.... only boutique shops... After that, met Michie and her BB Isabella (She's So CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!) at paragon. Michie was contemplating to buy a bag (GUCCI or BURBERRYS?)... and she is still thinking hahaha *tt shopping queen*.

Then we met Michie's mum & grandmother for dinner. Flying Chilli (Thai food) at 313@Somerset was not bad. Then Michie got her Iphone 3G.... which is the whole aim of her being at 313 in the first place. At least one goal met! Har Har still thinking of wat to get for her fren....

An excuse to go shopping again on another day hehehe.... Till Then tata!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hmmm....a funny situation I encounter at work.... when the rule is one is not supposed to share or eat from another person's foodbox and u caught her red-handed, what would that person said.... I got a classic answer: "I did not eat.... I just taste the rice only...." *pengz*

Sunday, September 6, 2009

East District Youth Day 2009 (EDYD 2009)

Singapore's East District Youth Day 2009 was held yesterday, 6 Sept 2009 at the 5 churches for the AM Session of the programme. I was helping as a facilitator at Church of the Holy Trinity. I think it went pretty well. As usual, kids or should I say teenagers are harder to manage now than during my time. Haha I don't recall we being so hard to manage... lolx

Anyway, the theme of the Youth Rally was "Spera In Deo" meaning "Hope in God". Basically to help them or let them be more aware of God's message in their daily lives and making them to be more spritually consicious.

PM session was held at CHIJ Katong Primary School's new hall. Very nice and new.. lolx. Emcee was Randall Tan. The P & W team was good.... After that there was Mass celebrated by Archbishop Most Reverend Monsignor Nicholas Chia.

All this brought back memories of the previous youth rallies I have been during my time. It has been a really long time I guess. The last I went I think was about 5 years ago..... It was really enriching and fun of cos! ^_^ Now I hope I get to go for World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Darn.... I hate it when ur nose is blocked and ur throat hurts when it coughs.... However, you are not that sick till you can't get out of bed. So I still have to go to work.... and *cough* *cough* *sniff* *sniff* all morning..... Must be the BBQ that I went last saturday..... Pics have uploaded on facebook ^_^