Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just another day...

Went window shopping with Har Har yesterday as she wanted to get an engagement pressie for her gal fren.

1st stop was Ion Orchard... nothing much.... only boutique shops... After that, met Michie and her BB Isabella (She's So CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!) at paragon. Michie was contemplating to buy a bag (GUCCI or BURBERRYS?)... and she is still thinking hahaha *tt shopping queen*.

Then we met Michie's mum & grandmother for dinner. Flying Chilli (Thai food) at 313@Somerset was not bad. Then Michie got her Iphone 3G.... which is the whole aim of her being at 313 in the first place. At least one goal met! Har Har still thinking of wat to get for her fren....

An excuse to go shopping again on another day hehehe.... Till Then tata!