Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Just completed my 2 nites cycle... today n tomorrow is my off day....

One more cycle to go and I am out of nite shift. Will be going back to day shift (no longer like a vampire that only comes out at nite hehehehe) ^_^


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Well... Oh welll....

Hiaz.... Sometimes I wonder if their UL, MC and CMC are really geniune? If it was really geniune, I would not mind covering for you or giving up my OIL..... but if it is not, wun you feel bad??? I see u scrutinizing the deployment and somehow I expected that I will not get to clear OIL for that day.... Lo and Behold, u did wat I predicted! But what can I say when u used ur child as an excuse? I do hope your kid is better now though cos they are the innocent party in ur ruse. THere... I have said it and now I feel so much better!!!!!!!!