Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Not a very lucky day....

Well, yesterday was not a very lucky day for me! Firstly, my toe got cut while doing a pedicure with Michie.... then while on the road, I got kick by an ang-moh lady who wanted to get off n push her bicycle while in the midst of crossing a crowded pedestrain crossing.... followed by in the nite, Michie accidentally "kiap" my arm on a bunch of railings that we resting our hands on while she was taking a smoke break before entering the mrt station... =(

But I had fun at the chalet. Michie organised a pre-xmas chalet with the gang.... from friday to sunday.... Friday nite we did gift exchange. I got a small bottle of wine n a box of pretz hahaa. Daniel got my gift which is headphones. Didn't managed to take a pic of the gifts.... wait till Michie upload the pics onto Facebook bah! The gift's price range was between $10 to $20..... so tt people will not buy extravangant gifts....... Saturday nite was BBQ... they spend the day playing mahjong n texas poker while I was at work. Yes, I was at work poor me... Check out on sunday... was supposed to go for the Standard Chartered Marathon as I signed for 10km marathon... but sleeping at 430am in the morning -_- well, i couldn't wake up and be at the marathon start point at 730am. In fact, we slept thru' the checkout time which was 1030am. The housekeeping came knocking on the door at 11am asking if we were planning to extend. So much for setting alarm at 830 so tt we could snooze till 930 and pack our stuff......... lolx. We pratically jumped out of bed!!!!!!!

All in all... it was a nice weekend... except of the injury part..... hiaz.... till then tata!! =)

My injured toe: