Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dinner @ Novena Sq

Went to Novena Square yesterday to met Melvin for dinner yesterday. Decided to try the food court "Kopitiam" which is located on the 3rd floor at the new extension building. Next to it was California Fittness... (hehe probabaly easy to attract people to go exercise after they have eaten too much =P). We ordered Pineapple Fried Rice, Sambal Sotong, Thai Style Spring Roll and Korean Rice Cake. The food was not bad but I feel that it's a little expensive for a normal food court. The rice cake set was S$5.00... It came with a plate of rice, the sidedish (kimchi n fried anchovies) and a bowl of clear soup. It is the same price as the Bimbimbap.... In my opinion, not worth the price..... =p would rather take the bimbimbap keke... well, at least now I know ^_^

(pics of korean rice cake)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Movie "Blood Diamond"

Went and watched “Blood Diamond” yesterday. It made me think how fortunate we are here and not in 3rd World countries like Africa. Hard to imagine, but yes, this is actually happening… not in the history where it happened twenty or thirty years ago… or a century ago…… but it is happening NOW like ten years ago kind of a thing….

Think of the child soldiers where their childhood consists of holding a rifle and killing anybody who disagrees with them… the fear of being killed anytime, anywhere or limbs being chopped up if the leader does not like what you do…. In our life here, we just get away with a scolding or worse probably a beating from parents or teachers followed by being grounded for a while or being forbidden to do your favorite things for a while. In comparison, the differences are a world apart. Totally different…..

Sometimes, we just know these things are happening… that this is just out there. However, it does not really seem real. It’s just a piece of news on the paper, TV, radio and magazines… but this movie really had me…Made me more acutely aware of reality… the bloody brutality the civil war, the use and training of the child soldiers…

Synopsis: Set against the backdrop of the chaos and civil war that enveloped 1990s Sierra Leone, "Blood Diamond" is the story of Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio), an ex-mercenary from Zimbabwe, and Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou), a Mende fisherman. Both men are African, but their histories and their circumstances are as different as any can be until their fates become joined in a common quest to recover a rare pink diamond, the kind of stone that can transform a life...or end it.
Solomon, who has been taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields, finds the extraordinary gem and hides it at great risk, knowing if he is discovered, he will be killed instantly. But he also knows the diamond could not only provide the means to save his wife and daughters from a life as refugees but also help rescue his son, Dia, from an even worse fate as a child soldier.
Archer, who has made his living trading diamonds for arms, learns of Solomon's hidden stone while in prison for smuggling. He knows a diamond like this is a once-in-a-lifetime find—valuable enough to be his ticket out of Africa and away from the cycle of violence and corruption in which he has been a willing player.
Enter Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), an idealistic American journalist who is in Sierra Leone to uncover the truth behind conflict diamonds, exposing the complicity of diamond industry leaders who have chosen profits over principles. Maddy seeks out Archer as a source for her article, but soon finds it is he who needs her even more.
With Maddy's help, Archer and Solomon embark on a dangerous trek through rebel territory. Archer needs Solomon to find and recover the valuable pink diamond, but Solomon seeks something far more precious...his son.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Will there b colors in my life?

Recently I have been doing lots of thinking...

What has been going on in my life?

Come to think of it, it has not been bad nor has it improve in any has come to a standstill where everything has been the same.

Friends had moved on... upgraded themselves in studies, getting married, having children or trying out a new avenue in career path....

As for me, I am still here.... not much changes except in size and age *haha*

Have been contemplating in a change of career path but somehow doubt if I will be able to make it.

Have been asking the BIG GUY up there to show me the way he wants me to go… somehow, he did not give any signs that I shouldn’t venture into that line.

However, if things really go that way, family and friends will be affected as more time will spent in learning new things in order to be able succeed in the path I wanna go… Family will not like it and my guy might not like it either.

Gotta admit, now I am in a comfortable zone where everything is just alright… however, not enough to color my life…

Finding my life a boring but comfortable station…… trying to strike up the courage to step out of the station to my next unknown station where there is uncertainty and challenges out there. I know God will be there with me though... guiding me thru' all the way...

Next problem is of cos, financially I gotta be stable enough to pull through the period of uncertainties that will come if I do take that step…

So here I go… to start planning and to start preparing myself for the new stage in life.

Hopefully I will be able to make it all the way...

Thursday, January 4, 2007

So Utterly bored!

My boss is not around yesterday & today..... so happy!!! But hiaz, she will be back tomorrow.....

boy... i m feeling so bored.... new year eve was quiet... spending the time at home with my family. Went n catch a movie with my sis. Catching the countdown on TV... however, the countdown at VIVOCITY was like really BORING.....!!!!! It has been a quiet countdown for me this year..... Usually new year eve, i will be working at new year eve's party but now that i have changed jobs, i will be looking for parties to go hehehe!!!!! hopefully , this year's will be a nicer one ^_^

Movie "Night At The Museum"

Ooooh.... if you guys have not watched "Night at the Museum", go watch it. It's Hilarious!!!! I have always been a big Ben Stiller fan ^_^ Really heartwarming too

Synopsis: Good-hearted dreamer Larry Daley, despite being perpetually down on his luck, thinks he's destined for something big. But even he could never have imagined how big, when he accepts what appears to be a menial job as a graveyard-shift security guard at a museum of natural history. During Larry's watch, extraordinary things begin to occur: Mayans, Roman Gladiators, and cowboys emerge from their diorama to wage epic battles; in his quest for fire, a Neanderthal burns down his own display; Attila the Hun pillages his neighboring exhibits, and a T-Rex reminds everyone why he's history's fiercest predator. The museum has literally came to live......

It's the New Year...

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!!!!

It's the new year & of cos, with this comes new year resolutions... & i have decided to do a whole new blog. Be Gone with old crappy one hehe!!! ^_^

First, let me look at year 2006:

Changed a new job & still coping with it.

Went to Melbourne n enjoyed myself throughly!

Get to go Bangkok for work n stayed in Four Season's hotel (which is really nice) and also get to know Thai guy while shopping for gifts by the name of Dong who's really sweet =)

Spend too much $$$ n didn't get to save.....hiaz over-budget.....

Becoming a sister @ my good friend, Kai Xin's wedding. It was really fun......

Have done something that shouldn't be done but thank goodness no aftermath.... will definitely stay away from that... it's a definite NO-NO!!!

Getting to know my friends better and also my boyfriend finally getting to see my family after 6 yrs of relationship..... let's see how it becomes =)

Guess that's it for year 2006....

However, new year resolutions never works for me no matter how hard I try.... could be bcos of not enough determination. But anyway, I hope for a good start for the new year! And I wish every one out there all the best for the furture endeavours for the New Year 2007!