Friday, January 5, 2007

Will there b colors in my life?

Recently I have been doing lots of thinking...

What has been going on in my life?

Come to think of it, it has not been bad nor has it improve in any has come to a standstill where everything has been the same.

Friends had moved on... upgraded themselves in studies, getting married, having children or trying out a new avenue in career path....

As for me, I am still here.... not much changes except in size and age *haha*

Have been contemplating in a change of career path but somehow doubt if I will be able to make it.

Have been asking the BIG GUY up there to show me the way he wants me to go… somehow, he did not give any signs that I shouldn’t venture into that line.

However, if things really go that way, family and friends will be affected as more time will spent in learning new things in order to be able succeed in the path I wanna go… Family will not like it and my guy might not like it either.

Gotta admit, now I am in a comfortable zone where everything is just alright… however, not enough to color my life…

Finding my life a boring but comfortable station…… trying to strike up the courage to step out of the station to my next unknown station where there is uncertainty and challenges out there. I know God will be there with me though... guiding me thru' all the way...

Next problem is of cos, financially I gotta be stable enough to pull through the period of uncertainties that will come if I do take that step…

So here I go… to start planning and to start preparing myself for the new stage in life.

Hopefully I will be able to make it all the way...

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