Thursday, January 4, 2007

It's the New Year...

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!!!!

It's the new year & of cos, with this comes new year resolutions... & i have decided to do a whole new blog. Be Gone with old crappy one hehe!!! ^_^

First, let me look at year 2006:

Changed a new job & still coping with it.

Went to Melbourne n enjoyed myself throughly!

Get to go Bangkok for work n stayed in Four Season's hotel (which is really nice) and also get to know Thai guy while shopping for gifts by the name of Dong who's really sweet =)

Spend too much $$$ n didn't get to save.....hiaz over-budget.....

Becoming a sister @ my good friend, Kai Xin's wedding. It was really fun......

Have done something that shouldn't be done but thank goodness no aftermath.... will definitely stay away from that... it's a definite NO-NO!!!

Getting to know my friends better and also my boyfriend finally getting to see my family after 6 yrs of relationship..... let's see how it becomes =)

Guess that's it for year 2006....

However, new year resolutions never works for me no matter how hard I try.... could be bcos of not enough determination. But anyway, I hope for a good start for the new year! And I wish every one out there all the best for the furture endeavours for the New Year 2007!

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